
In-App Loan
Rescheduling Proposal

FairMoney is building the leading mobile bank for emerging markets. The mobile app offers quick, accessible and affordable loan products to help users carter for their needs and achieve their dreams.
The Problem
We want to offer clients the capacity to reschedule loans when they face repayment problems.
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft word
Provide a seamless solution to ease user repayment pains within the app.
Share the A-Z overall design process you would put in place + make a proposal on the workflow & low-fi wireframes.
My Task
I have being given 3 days to provide a solution to the late loan repayment issue; big challenge. So I divided to startup my design process by splitting it into 3 phases this will help come up with a timely feasible solution.
For the first part of my requirement gathering, I started thinking about the type of users that will benefit from this new feature and I was able to research, brainstorm and answer some few questions which will help with the construction of the interview questions
• Who is this feature for - Existing customers
• How can they be reached - Mobile phones and via email
• What do they do - Small business owners and Salary earners
• Where do they live - Across Nigeria
• Age group- 25-45

I conducted phone and in-person interviews to uncover user pain points. The interviews allowed me to gain a deeper under- standing of the user’s behaviours. With this, I narrowed down users to two groups.
Phase 1
User Research
After identifying a solid set of user pain points, I created a scenario map to show user actions aligned with business solutions. It will give me an idea of how to organise content and how many interactions or screens it'll take to complete the task.
Phase 2
Scenerio Map
I developed a flow that allows for seamless and cohesive user experience.
User Flow
By now I have already gathered enough information to get started with the wireframes. I created this set of low-fidelity sketches of all of the key screens needed to complete the main user tasks
Low Fidelity Sketches
High Fidelity Frames
Prototype Download Prototype recording here - http://bit.ly/fmoneyplay
Phase 3
Creating a UX process for an in-app mobile app service is a big and tricky project considering the limited time attached to it. I needed to embody the existing experience, but improve at the same time. Through user interviews, I was able to validate some views and features of loan apps and also discover that most people want to be able to do more than just access loans and if they do access loans they want more flexible repayment plans, especially when they are finding it difficult to repay loans. It was challenging to align my design with the current app experience. I had to change the UI experience to include the new product.
Key Learnings